40 years of feminist movement and with help from Karl Lagerfeld, you managed to finally make me insecure about my masculinity! I watched TV today and I saw the new photos of Karl Lagerfeld's muse Baptiste Giabiconi - IN STILETTOS!
So I went online and found these pics here. Please check them out and tell me what do you think. I really don't know what to make out of this. I know it's art and I can see some deep meaning behind it, nevertheless, it made me think about the modern man.
I was always for the equality of the sexes and I think that the feminist movement was necessary and mostly good. You know I love women (you can read here). But as much as I am happy that modern couples have relationships, that base on equality of the sexes with the female sexual liberation and as much as I appreciate that modern societies strive to give women equal opportunities and wages, I am somehow feeling uneasy about the trend in recent years, where a handsome man is more and more portrayed as feminine, ambiguous, metro. And that's for me the side-effect of the women's struggles for equality in recent decades. I mean, what is the metro trend anyway? It's probably a scheme by the multinational corporations to sell more beauty products to men by making them more feminine (or gay [*not that it's something wrong with being gay]). And the magazines and fashion designers go hand in hand with them. Money (read business) is the easiest way to set a trend. And the consequence of all that are insecure straight men, who are afraid to be who they are and try to be someone they're not. Ok, I am exaggerating a bit and maybe I am not really that isecure because of Giabiconi in heels, but you get my point. There is some truth in my reasoning, isn't it? I mean, sometimes it seems that you (the women) want a guy who's sensitive, thoughtful, soft, but when it comes to picking-up women (and sex), you always chose the hairy animalic muscular macho, who has the swagger with the cool (sometimes even ignorant) attitude [*Ok, again, I am clearly exaggerating, cuz not every woman is like that.] :)
So women, make up your minds! How do you really want us to be in 2009? Because when I see these male models, I sometimes feel like they're from a different planet. They don't reperesent me. I still don't understand why fashion designers use Kens and Barbies to promote their (in my eyes mostly) dubious collections for the modern man and woman. It just doesn't make sense to me. If you sell a product to real people, make real people wear your products. And I really wonder, after they made women insecure (even skinny girls think they're fat!) and after they recently transformed a big portion of men into metros (yes, some of us use creams and make-up [*not me!]), who will be next on their list? Pre-teens? Toddlers?
When will we stop them?
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