Hello, my readers. I hope my new blog layout didn't shock you. I've been meaning to change my template for a while, but I didn't have any good ideas. Then I bumped into a template I really liked and after spending few hours on customizing and tweaking - this is my result. How do you like it?
Now, the main reason to do this change was because my old template loaded very slowly. That really pissed me off for a while now. This one loads faster, also because I put less stuff on my sidebar. Well, let's say 95% of tweaking is done now. I will probably add some stuff on my sidebars (like I always do), but this is how my blog will stay now for a while now, I hope longer than the 5 months my old layout lasted. I'm most happy about the white background and the black font. I think it'll look a bit more mature and easier to read.
Redesign feedback update: So far most of the reactions were positive. Even the fabulous Dawn sent me some compliments in a tweet, which made me very happy. And not to forget the lovely Manju and Adeline in the Cbox, who also liked it. I'm so blessed with exceptional women. And thanks to all of you who left comments. I appreciate your feedback. I'm happy how it turned out.
Now happy blogging everybody.
Your MKL.
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