Thursday, July 16, 2009

A cowardly soldier and alien Obama

As you may have heard, some people in America, who hate Obama, want to prove that he's not a natural-born citizen of USA and therefore he's not elegible to be the president of the United States. They have whole websites dedicated to trash him just because he's not white black and because of his 'Hussein' middle name. For white supremacists and racists a black American president named Hussein must be like the fall of Babylon. They think stuff like this is funny [Their god must be cracking up].

Obama was born in Hawaii, Hawaii is part of USA (ask Rowena). The law is clear: If you're born on US soil, you are a natural-born citizen of America, regardless of your parents citizenship [check this article]. I like this law, I consider flying to USA on vacation when my wife will be almost due to give birth :).

Well, those Obama-haters (or shall I say nutcases) then go on saying his birth certificate was altered, forged or whatever. Anyway, no court has taken these people really seriously and they have no proof because there is none. But they have a lot of time and they have a lot of hate. How about they spend it on the research of the US presidential election of 2000 and George Bush and his issues with the law? Oh, that's history and it wouldn't bother them anyway.

Then I read this article on HuffPost and one comment really cracked me up. It's about a soldier who refused to be deployed to Afghanistan because (he believes) Barack Obama was never eligible to be president because of that birth-certificate thingy. Funny, huh? Some people called him coward, but one guy was really funny. Here's his take on this:

Comment by Gover: I am also a soldier and it is my belief that Barack Obama is not a human being. I believe that he is an alien and I would be following illegal orders if I were to deploy to Afghanistan by order of an extraterrestrial imposter.
I will happily return to service if I can personally anally probe Barack Obama. Only deep, lengthy examination of the colon can satisfy my skepticism and therefore Obama must comply with my demands.

One guy replied and it cracked me up, too, haha...

@Gover by cimbri: You don't need to investigate since your head is already up his colon.

I can just laugh about this nonsense. It's always amusing when libs and neocons clash. So far, the libs were funnier, but I guess the neocons will catch up, because the current president is making them go nuts. And I couldn't be happier about this fact.

[Photo: Source]

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