Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2008 is finally over!
I'm sure all the bloggers are now writing their personal resume of 2008. Well, I won't. You can browse through my previous posts to see how it was in 08 for me. I never expected I would still be writing this blog now, becasue I started blogging 2006 and I lost my interest after few posts.. This time is different. I've changed. Sometimes I have something on my mind, I just love to bring it 'on digital paper'. Anyway, I know this blog is not very famous or has many followers. But hey, the title is 'nino talking to himself'. So I don't really care who reads it. Not even my friends read it or my girlfriend. Ok, because I keep it 'under the radar', I haven't really posted many links to my blog on other websites. But..., I prefer it that way. I think there's so many blogs that are yet to be discovered. I hope mine will be something like that, too. Especially if one day I have children of my own. Let's say my children become teenagers somewhere between 2020 and 2030 (I persume) and one day they browse through their father's blog and say: Wow, dad, you started to write this blog so long ago, in 2008? Wow… That's like… ancient.
Because I'm someone who loves to look to the future and imagine how will life be in 2020 or 2050. I even wonder if I'm going to make it to 2060s. Will I still have this blog? Will it remain online? Will we actually still have internet the way we know it now? I mean, when I was a teenager, there was no 'ringtones', 'text messages', 'digital cameras' or 'laptops'… The most advanced thing was the TV. So sometimes I wonder how will we, as grandparents, somewhere in the 2050s, explain to our children, that we grew up without all these gadgets? I guess they won't be able to imagine an 'analog life'. Beacause frankly, I can't imagine it myself anymore… Sometimes I look back in the year 1997, when some people got their first cell phones. I thought they were just trying to impress others, trying to appear as very important. We used to make fun of them… One year later, more than half of the people had their cell phones already. I was resistant until the late year 2001. I don't regret it… Because frankly, I didn't need it at that time. But who knows, if I really need it these days…
So, we can't know, what will be in 50 years, but I'm happy I was there at the beggining of the digital era. I will have many stories to tell my grandchildren... Hmmm... But if I think, I guess they may check Wikipedia instead :-)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Western guy living in a Chinese family

Ok, first I must say, I live in a quite big family for these modern times. It's a middle class family, consisting of parents, grandma, 1 grandchild and 5 daughters, of which the youngest is 17 and the oldest 25. Three daughters are already married and live on their own, but visit every day. So all together there is 8 daughters (between 17 and 30 years old). Two of which have already children, so sometimes there's 4 grandchildren at the house.
What did I notice?
A Chinese family of this size and consisting of so many women can be very noisy. But that's only at the first glance. Soon I realized that they are very friendly and hospitable towards me. Food is the central part of the family. For Chinese in general, the food is the most important thing. I saw them spend a lot of money on all kinds of food. They would even travel more than 100km just to go eat into a restaurant that has some unique and delicious food. Chinese are very genorous. They treat me so much, I stopped counting and I accepted it as normal. In my country, you always remember who treated you and you seek to treat him back. I can't keep up with my new friends here. They are too genorous. Even when I tried to treat them back, they refused by saying: When I'm in your country, you treat me. It's very unlikely that this will be the case. But I accept it and if really that was to happen, I would gladly return the hospitality at home.
Besides food, Chinese are very traditional. When it comes to family values and friendships, Chinese tend to have very good relations and they respect the elderly more than the Westerners. They also respect their ancestors by lighting sticks every day at the domestic temple and by praying every day and following all other traditional celabrations, of which the most important is Chinese New Year.
Chinese here (Johor, Malaysia) don't have many encounters with Westerners, probably because it's a small town and a rural area. That's why they are curious to see me. Most of them are not fluent in english. The few who are, have many questions. The first one is usually 'Where are you from?' followed by 'Have you eaten already'? As mentioned before, food is very important in the daily life of Chinese. That's why when they have 'small talk', usual question would be: Have you eaten already? ( 你吃了?)
If you consider all the facts, Chinese people can be seen as conservative, but in some cases very progressive and modern. Especially the young people copy the fashion styles of the West or Japan. Older people are naturally more conservative, but most of them allow the young people their way of life and they are non-judgmental. Somehow all generations can find a common ground and stick together as a family. Chinese don't like to talk about their family problems to outsiders. It stays in the family.
In conclusion.
I'm glad to see a culture as complex as Chinese from so close and learn so many new things about it and correct my perception or stereotypical thinking. I hope I will learn more and get to see many more aspects of Chinese culture in the weeks ahead. I especially look forward to Chinese new year 2009.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Singapore: City of my memories
Well, Singapore is a great city! If it's a great state, that's up for discussion. But as a city it's really unique. Always sunny weather, always clean, stuffed with delicious food, friendly people, it's very easy to get around... If you stay for a short period, Singapore will leave a great impression. If you stay longer, if you mix up with locals, you will see, it's not all so great. But tell me any country, where things are enirely great? So, Singapore is a great mixture of foods and races and modern and historic architecture. I recommend to anyone who is a passionate traveller to see Singapore at least once in your life.
I enjoyed my short stay in that vibrant city, even if I had my own issues, I think I will gladly come back to Singapore in the future.
Btw, it was again a pleasure to enjoy myself at Sentosa island. Much has changed, which made me a bit sad. I don't like that they are building so much, it will destroy the peaceful green island it used to be and transform in into a mass tourism destination. Let's just hope it won't turn out too bad.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Kuala Lumpur: City in motion
I hope to return there next year, because KL is always worth to visit. You see so many different people from all over the world. The cab is cheap, the food is delicious and affordable, shopping is great in this period before the New year and Chinese new year. I recomment to everybody who's in this part of the world: Visit Kuala Lumpur! You won't regret it. Photo: KL at night. Hint: December and January are very rainy, so don't forget your umbrella.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Comparing two climates

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Village comparison: Slovenia and Malaysia
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Johor Bahru, Malaysia
See my photos of Johor Bahru:
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Kluang, Malaysia
Kluang is just a typical Malaysian small town: Crowded, dirty, but partly clean and neat, full of cars, hot, many shops, many shopping malls and with very friendly people. But you won't find anything special there, so if you go to Kluang, don't expect too much.
My photos of Kluang:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Malaysia - the land of sun

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Autumn 2008
Saturday, November 8, 2008
The world looks so much better now
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Victory for Barack Obama!

I was awake all night, I watched CNN and some other programmes... It was just incredible, when we saw how he took Pennsylvania, Ohio... I almost thought this is it! But I was still sceptical... When i saw his lead in Florida, I was confident! He exceeded all expectations - it was a landslide victory. And his speach was breath taking. A moment we will always remember. America is truly a land of opportunity and equality, you just need to work hard, be honest and have ideas. He beat the establishment of his own party and the best candidate of his rival's party. I can't fully grasp what this win means. It has to sink in...
I also need to praise McCain for his marvellous concession speech. He showed his real face, that's the McCain we missed in these months. You can clearly see how relieved he was, how gracious and humble. I hope he will have a long life. He's a great American. Unfortunately, his campaign sucked, had too many lows, too little highs.
And now, I hope America can head into a new direction of working together with the rest of the world, solving global problems together, ending wars and restoring confidence in the West.
Good luck!
Monday, November 3, 2008
My friend calls me fish
She is so naughty, she's always teasing me. But I like it :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November is here!
Well, my mood is somewhat similar to the behavior of the cats. Sometimes I feel tired, so I'm resting like Milan. Then again, I feel like wanna be active, so I hop around like Miša Piša. And eventually I'm like Gačnik, moving out, leaving for a while and I guess there will be a time when I will be going back to my house and this special place I live in. But it's time to discover the world, once again. I want to face new challenges, accept the changes and hopefully learn a lot on my path of personal evolution. Striving for a better self and for a more peacefull existence. I look forward to november, I will report on the changes that will occur soon.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I still can't be sure that Obama will win
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
McCain is desperate and ugly!
And since Palin and McCain began these personal attacks, many rightwing blogs or online news jump on this train and stress how important it was with whom Barack was hanging out. I found a very good comment on that and I like to share it here.
Posted by: houran
Oct 10, 12:04 PM
What if things were switched around?.....think about it. Would the country's collective point of view be different? Ponder the following:
Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin
2) What if the Obamas had paraded five children across the
stage, including a five month old infant and an unwed,
pregnant teenage daughter?
3) What if John McCain was a former president of the
Harvard Law Review and Barack Obama finished fifth from
the bottom of his graduating class?
4) What if McCain had only married once, and Obama was
a divorcee?
5) What if Obama was the candidate who left his first wife
after a severe disfiguring car accident?
6) What if Obama had met his second wife in a bar and had
a long affair while he was still married?
7) What if Michelle Obama was the wife who not only became
addicted to painkillers but also acquired them illegally
through her charitable organization?
8) What if Cindy McCain had graduated from Princeton
and Harvard Law School?
9) What if Michelle Obama's family had made their money
from beer distribution?
10) What if Obama had been a member of the Keating Five?
11) What if McCain was a charismatic, eloquent speaker?
12) What if Obama couldn't read from a teleprompter?
13) What if Obama was the one who had military experience
that included discipline problems and a record of crashing
seven planes?
14) What if Obama was the one who was known to display
publicly, on many occasions, a serious anger management
15) What if the Obamas had adopted a white child?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sad but true: McCalin will probably win.
But it's a real mystery for me that Americans prefer to elect a dumb leader. Why would they think Barack is an elitist? Just because he is intelligent? I guess half of the Americans can't understand what he's saying. You can't give the Americans complex answers, keep it simple like drill drill drill. It's pathetic! After McCain spread all these cheap lies about Barack, he hired a joke for his VP! Sarah Palin, an unknown governer from Alaska, who's a phoney religious extremist with no experience and no solutions, spreading even more lies per second than McCain. America will definitely change! If they elect McCain/Palin, I think everybody will pray for the safety of John McCain. If something happens to him, USA will have a dumber president than George Bush. Can you believe it? She has no clue about economy and foreign policy, no wonder she wouldn't give any interviews! She's afraid of being exposed as a bimbo she is. It's such a bullshit! I mean the american politics. How can people fall for this kind of gimmicks? I just hope something will shift in these 2 months in people's heads. Please, America. For once elect an intelligent president. Look beyond the skin color and age. Please!
But realistically speaking, it'll be very hard for Barack. I almost don't believe in his victory anymore. It's depressing... America, don't ever push up a man so high and then drop him down on the floor. I thought America was different... Now I seem to have lost the faith in America. I watched the Democratic convention and I got all excited, but then I saw the next week the Republicans smeared, lied and mocked the Democrats. And... it worked. I don't know what it is that people believe McCain is an agent of change now... He keeps stealing Baracks ideas and at the same time leaning into the far right. It works. Cuz he will sell his soul to the devil just to get elected. Whatever! Let him bring America and the whole world in danger just to get elected. I think the American Empire must lose it's power, it's grown too big and too influential on the whole world. An American election is like a world election. Just that only some 100 million people decide about the rest of us. And imagining a bimbo as the strongest person in this world it's beyond my wildest fears. I'm just speechless when I see all these things developing right before my eyes. And we thought Bush was bad. Duh....
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Republicans smear smear smear!

This year, I had hope with Obama... Now I'm just hopeless. McDumb is slowly overtaking him in the polls, Republicans keep smearing. And to have a black man win the elections, he would need at least 30 points lead in the polls. A dead heat in the polls is like 20 points lead for McCain. Many whites will say to the pollsters that they will vote for Obama, but at election day, they will vote for McSame and then the pundits will say: Well, he didn't convince the white working class, he didn't give specific solutions, they didn't know him! WTF????? I'm from Slovenia, I got to know him last year, I pay attention to his road to nomination - I know him! You have internet, media (also unbiased) and he gave answers to all the problems Americans are facing. You have his website, Wikipedia, thousands of blogs - how can you not know what he stands for? i'm really starting to believe, what Bill Maher said: 'Americans are too dumb to be governed.' Meanwhile the Republicans smear smear and smear. It's pathetic!
[Photo source: Aol]
End of Beijing
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What an august 2008!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Beijing Olympic Games

So why bother? Why try? We will only make things worse... Let's not politicize the games. It's about athletes competing, it's about them, their carreers, not about which political ideology is right or wrong.
I congratulate to all the excited Chinese people who are proud to host the olympic games at home. I'm happy for them and I'm sure they will be great friendly hosts. They are the ones who will bring changes to China in future, let's not behave like some almighty teachers who wanna lecture them what's right and what's wrong. Let them have their games. It's too late to bother now. Few months later everybody will focus on the new President of the United states of America! And China will be far far away.
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